Webinar | Next Generation Carbon Markets

In this Webinar the Climate Finance Innovators project present and discuss insights from Article 6 negotiations in the lead up to COP25 and analyse the emerging landscape of Article 6 pilots.

East African Regional Workshop

Capital Hotel, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia 22 Haile Gebre Silase St, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

The Climate Finance Innovators project successfully conducted a one-day workshop on the 2nd October 2019 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia under the topic ‘Managing the transition from Kyoto to Paris – the potential of carbon markets and climate finance for East Africa’.

Harnessing synergies between carbon markets and climate finance for achieving ambitious NDCs

COP 25 Av. del Partenón, Nº 5,, Madrid, Spain

IETA Pavilion
The event presents initiatives from African countries that develop innovative synergies between market mechanisms and climate finance. Senegal showcases how these activities support in achieving their NDC targets as well as readiness preparations for next generation carbon markets under Article 6.

Piloting Article 6: Experiences from East and West Africa

Virtual Zoom webinar

The event introduces the next generation of global carbon markets under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement. Drawing on work from the IKI funded Climate Finance Innovators (CFI) and West African Alliance on Carbon Markets and Climate Finance 2020-2023 (WACC) projects, the presentation focuses specifically on the relevance of Article 6 for Africa.