Conditionality and Article 6: An Analysis of updated NDCs of African countries

I4C 2021

In 2021, countries are expected to increase ambition by updating their NDC targets, as they enter their first year of NDC implementation. Looking at this experience, it becomes clear that the conditionality of NDC targets is a crucial feature, in particular for international support through Article 6 carbon markets. However, how to apply conditionality is not clearly defined in the UNFCCC rulebook and a lack of conceptual clarity opens space for different applications in NDCs, with potential consequences for access to Article 6 cooperative approaches.

Analysing the Eastern Africa Carbon Market Portfolio

I4C 2021

Workshop for Climate Innovation Series 27 May 2021, 9.30AM EDT / 1.30PM GMT / 3.30PM CET / 4.30PM EAT Recording of the session Summary The webinar presented the recently released carbon market profiles of the Eastern Africa Alliance on Carbon Markets and Climate Finance. The Alliance member countries (Burundi, Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, Sudan, Tanzania, and...

Africa’s carbon market achievements and potential: Key insights on existing portfolios and potential for transition to Article 6

Africa Climate Week 2021, Virtual Thematic Sessions

The event provides a comprehensive overview of East Africa’s existing carbon market portfolio (CDM, voluntary carbon standards, and Article 6 pilots) and provide an outlook on how to transition to Article 6. Key experts will engage with the audience in an interactive manner through polls, questions and discussions throughout the event.